Power electronics Industries

Case studies

1. Alternator Test Bench
It is End of line Test Bench, which measures different parameter of different tests and controlling of Alternator like Load Conditions, Power, Temperature, Harmonics, Vibrations, Noise, over speed of a motor etc. After measuring the data conclude the results of the test based on comparison of read values and expected values and inform to the operator.
There are two types of tests conducted:
1. Routine Test
2. Type Test
Routine Test : After Power On the system will test already written in system.
Type Test: Type test will have a special power to manager to control the types of tests to be conducted by selection of tests.
Key Points :-
1. System will be used to perform routine as well as selection type test as per requirement.
2. System is developed to save test data automatically.
2. Contactor Test Bench
The system is capable of performing a wide-range of tests like, flashing test, pick-up voltage measurement, drop-off voltage measurement, coil current measurement, coil wattage measurement, Drop of Voltage, Pick up voltage test, Humming test, HV test, and many more as per the customer’s requirement. Tests performed in the system:
• Flashing Test
• Coil Current & Coil Wattage test
• Drop off Voltage & Pickup Voltage Test
• Humming Test
• HV Test
Key Points :-
1. All-in-one hybrid bench covering 5 tests.
2. Multi faceted testing and measurement options.
3. Easy to use, easy to read values. Typically suited for R&D engineers.
4. MCB protection.
5. Robust mechanism

3. Electromagnetic Flow Meter Calibration System
1. This system will be used for calibration of Flow meter and data will be acquired, processed and controlled in LabVIEW.
2. System will have 5 different stations, each station corresponds to different diameter of flow meter.
3. DAQ system consist of NI Hardware cRIO (Real Time Controller).
4. There will be 5 identical Executable systems running on 5 operator stations.
Key Points :-
1. Different types of flow meters can be calibrated on system.
2. Real time display of actual flow.
3. Data accuracy at all stations simultaneously.
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EOL (End of Line)
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LV (LabVIEW Development Services)
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